June 27, 2024

The Pursuit of Coffee Perfection: Trials, Tribulations and Finding the Sweet Spot

By Oaks The Coffee Guy
The Pursuit of Coffee Perfection: Trials, Tribulations and Finding the Sweet Spot

As a coffee roaster, the pursuit of the perfect roast is a never-ending journey of experimentation, discovery, and at times, frustration. But it's a journey I embrace wholeheartedly, for it's in those moments of trial and error that true mastery is forged. Today, I invite you to peer into the mind of an obsessive coffee tinkerer, as I recount my latest escapade in coaxing out the sweetness from a seemingly stubborn Colombian coffee bean.


Coffee Philosophies

During a trip to Denmark, I had the chance to visit the renowned April Coffee Roasters. The experience was eye-opening - while their coffee was undoubtedly well-crafted, it lacked a certain elevation that would make it an everyday, soul-satisfying beverage for the average consumer. Conversing with my brother further cemented this realization; for most people, coffee is an enjoyable supplement to their day, not the pivotal focus.

And that's okay! My role, as I see it, is to bridge the gap between specialty coffee and accessibility. To roast and brew in a way that retains the unique origin characteristics while striking a balance of flavors that anybody can embrace as their comforting morning companion.

The Roaster's Dilemma

Yet, achieving that balance is easier said than done. Take this Colombian coffee I've been wrestling with - a light roast reading 75 on the Agtron scale. No matter the brew method, temperature, or ratio, I can't seem to tame the grapefruit-like acidity and coax out the sweetness I know lies within.

It's a roaster's paradox: We obsess over the minutiae, making incremental tweaks in search of perfection. Yet, at times, that zealous tinkering yields diminishing returns. Perhaps I've fallen into a rabbit hole, chasing an elusive sweet spot that may not exist with this particular coffee.

The Endless Cycle

In many ways, this process mirrors the roaster's journey itself - an endless cycle of experimentation, learning, adjusting, and striving for incremental improvements. It can be maddening at times, but that's also what makes it invigorating. With each failed attempt, I'm collecting invaluable data points that'll steer my approach next time.

Closing Thoughts

So while I may not have uncovered the perfect roast for this Colombian coffee yet, I've already roasted countless mental and spiritual beans through the process. And that's okay - embracing the journey is half the thrill. I'll get there, one carefully considered variable at a time. And when I do, you can be sure I'll share that hard-earned knowledge, with the same candor and passion that fuels my pursuit.

Stay tuned, and may your cup always runneth over with sweetness.

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