December 20, 2023

Season 1, Episode 28: Candid Entrepreneurial Updates - Coffee Tasting Fails to Business Dreams

By Oaks The Coffee Guy
Episode Summary:
In this candid episode, I share personal updates and behind-the-scenes planning for my specialty coffee business. Discussing recent highlights like a visit from my brother and finalizing bag designs, I outline next steps for photography, listings, and streamlining roasting. I also detail key advice my brother offered for focusing on core products versus endless variety. Through our conversations on consumer psychology and past travels to top shops, he convinced me of the power of quality over quantity.

I explore additional topics like gifts for my kids, trademark paperwork, and testing new coffees. While assessing some underwhelming results, I examine how engaging all your senses is vital to evaluate if a coffee truly “sings” to you. I learn to trust my own palate over vague descriptions. Through transparent trials and errors, I hope to bring listeners along my venture developing nuanced, everyday offerings to upgrade morning cups. Join me for a realistic peek behind this solo entrepreneur’s dreams, drove by a passion for the bean.

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