February 25, 2024

Season 1, Episode 46: Expanding My Coffee Horizons With Irish Cream Drinks

By Oaks The Coffee Guy
Episode Summary:
In this episode, I reflect on putting together my latest YouTube video, which featured making an Irish cream coffee drink. I share how mixing coffee, sugar, cream, and alcohol together resulted in an amazing and divine grown-up drink. I discuss how going outside my coffee purist comfort zone and exploring mixed coffee drinks has really expanded my perspective. The experience of making this fun cocktail has shown me that coffee can be so much more than just black coffee or coffee with creamer. I'm excited and open to continue trying new coffee drink recipes and putting my own spin on them. Listeners will learn how venturing beyond their usual coffee routine can unlock new delicious coffee experiences and bring a sense of calm enjoyment. Overall, this has been an eye-opening journey so far.

In the rest of the episode, I provide some updates on Amazon product listings I'm working on, share insights from a recent guest interview podcast, and talk about my plan to start analyzing my progress and setting new goals each month. I also reflect on how pushing myself out of my comfort zone with new projects like YouTube and podcasting has led to valuable growth. While keeping it short and light this time, I'm continuously challenging myself to improve and do these episodes consistently.

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